FYC Golf Handicap Calculations
Golf Adj= New PHRF-Old PHRF
Take the boat corrected time in seconds and subtract the
base boat corrected time in seconds.
Divide by the course distance in nautical miles.
If this value is greater than -50 and less than 50 multiply
by 0.1 and add result to old PHRF.
If this value is less than -50 multiply 50 by 0.1 and add
result to old PHRF.
If this value is greater than 50 multiply -50 by 0.1 and add
result to old PHRF.
The golf adjustment can be no greater or lesser than 50% of
the boats base PHRF.
New PHRF(Y6)=IF(A6<>1,"",
ROUND(F6+ (0.1* IF(ABS(AB6)<50,AB6,IF(AB6>50,50,-50)) ) ,0) )
A6= participating
boat if = 1
F6= boat race rating
(old PHRF)
AB6(Win/lose sec/nm)= IF(A6<>1,"",(AA6-AB$2)/D$4)
win/lose sec/nm= (boat corrected sec-base boat
corrected sec)/race distance
AA6= boat corrected sec
AB$2= base boat corrected sec
D$4= race distance